How to Cite a Journal Article in APA 7th Edition

When writing a paper or project, you need to cite a journal article properly. To do this, you need to cite its Volume and Issue number, or DOI. It should also have all of the authors’ names. APA 7th edition provides specific instructions for this, as well as some examples. Hopefully, this guide will make citing a journal article as easy as possible.


If you have read a journal article, you will likely be interested in knowing how to cite it in APA style. If you are not sure how to do this, the APA Publication Manual has guidelines for how to reference articles without page numbers. The rules for citing articles that appear ahead of print include:

In the APA 6th format, you must include the title and author names. If the journal article has multiple authors, you must list the first author. In the APA 7th format, the authors must be listed first, followed by et al. For multiple authors, the authors of the first article are listed together. The third author is usually left out. If more than one person is listed in the paper, the last name should be written after the first author.


When citing a journal article in an essay or research paper, it is important to include the author’s last name, initials, and journal volume or issue number. In addition, the year of publication should be given in brackets. To cite a research article, you should capitalize the first letter of the article’s title and proper nouns. You should also capitalize the volume and issue numbers, unless the article does not have them.

If possible, use a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) rather than a URL. It is also important to include “retrieved from” or “accessed from” before a URL, but in APA 7th edition, these words do not need to be used. In addition, you should include the journal title, volume number, and page numbers. Finally, you should include the author’s last name and first or middle initial.

Issue number

APA does not recognize “volume” and “issue” for the journal article issue number. In addition, the publisher should not be listed in the article. Using the publisher’s name, year, and 2-letter state abbreviation are acceptable citation formats, but omitting these should not affect your citation style. Instead, use the issue number of the journal article in italics.

In the reference list, include the article title first. Then, add the author’s last name and initials, and the year the article was published. If the author has more than twenty authors, include their surnames and initials and the last name. Similarly, if the article was written by more than one author, add ellipses before the last author’s name. It is important to capitalize the journal article issue number.

APA 7th edition

To cite a journal article in APA, you should first enumerate the authors and their last name(s). If there are more than one author, you can also list their middle initials. Be sure to include a space between each initial. After identifying the first author, list the authors of the other articles in the same order. Before including the last author, place an ampersand before the last name.

You can also include the DOI or the web address of the publisher for this article. In APA 7th, you should omit the publisher’s location, while APA 6th requires the full country name and 2-letter state abbreviation. Li, Z., et al. (2013). Understanding vision: Theory, models, data. Oxford University Press. [Online] Available at:

Shorter DOI numbers

Shorter DOI numbers for journal articles in APA style are a useful option for citing sources. The acronym DOI stands for digital object identifiers and is an alphanumeric string that is assigned to publications by registration agencies. They are considered the most important element of a citation because they direct readers to specific articles and content. This article will discuss when to include DOI numbers in your reference list and what the differences are between short and long DOI numbers.

The seventh edition of APA style guidelines allow authors to list up to 20 authors in the reference list. Authors who list more than 20 authors must include ellipses (…) after the 19th and final author’s name. Short DOI numbers are now presented as hyperlinks in APA 7th edition, as they are a part of the source’s URL or DOI. No longer should the “DOI:” label appear on the entry.

Publisher location

If you’re wondering how to cite a journal article in your paper, you’ve come to the right place. The APA 7th edition makes it easy to cite articles from any journal by listing the article title, volume, and page numbers of the article. However, you may wonder what to put before those three important details: the journal title and the author’s name. In this article, we’ll discuss the basics and provide you with a sample format.

The citation format of a journal article varies depending on the type of article it is. For example, unpublished dissertations and raw data have different citation styles. Cite the article title, department, and university if the article was originally submitted to a journal. If the article is part of a special issue, however, you may cite an individual article from the issue.

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